Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Thoughts on New Orleans

The country is too busy watching Paris and Brittany to care about the real domestic issues of this country. I'm a New Yorker, I've been to New Orleans twice to document the ongoing tragedy of Katrina and it's aftermath.

For all those who say "why build there in the first place?" No one says that of California on a fault line, or up cyclone ally, or the Florida Coast, or Nevada which just a huge desert. New Orleans is a port city that grew into a southern metropolis and a center for culture in America. If Katrina had swung north and hit NYC, no one would have said "why built a city on an island." Enough blaming the victim. Let's come together as a nation and examine what went wrong, and why the dutch can pool resources to protect their nation, but we the richest nation in the world, can't take care of our own.

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